Wednesday, April 4, 2012

LeSean McCoy Defeated By Fitzgerald In Madden Competition

Poor Shady. After running over (no pun intended) fellow back Reggie Bush in the first round of the Madden Cover Tournament, his run has come to a stop.

The Pitt alum beat Reggie Bush 68%-32%, and advanced to take on Larry Fitzgerald in the 2nd round. 

The results were released Wednesday, and Fitzgerald has defeated McCoy, 54%-46%.

Fitzgerald, who was on the Madden 10 Cover, will face Cam Newton in the 3rd round

The good news: LeSean McCoy will not have to worry about the Madden Curse haunting him.

The bad news: Fitzgerald will most likely contract a flesh eating disease, and never play again.

The Madden Curse sure is pesky. 

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